The stories redefining the health and wellness industry.
Pediatric Occupational Therapy Goals and Objectives
Pediatric occupational therapy goals and objectives measure and monitor a client’s progress, collect and record data, and validate treatment and … Continued
ChatGPT and AI in Therapy and Mental Health
Should people be using AI in therapy? What is chatbot therapy? Is there an AI therapist? Are people really using … Continued
Guide to Couples Counseling
Couples counseling, or marriage counseling, is a type of psychotherapy for people involved in a romantic relationship. Often confused with … Continued
Therapists and Sacrificial Helping Syndrome
Most of us became therapists because we want to help people. Perhaps we’ve entered this profession because something traumatic or … Continued
The 12 Best Apps for Speech Therapy
Looking for apps for speech therapy? Here are 12 of the best apps for speech therapy, including speech apps for … Continued
How Keeping Secrets Can Help Couples Therapy Succeed
For years, my clinical specialty has been working with couples in couples therapy. When I started, I had a “no-secrets” … Continued
45 Essential Psychology Statistics
Searching for interesting psychology stats? Here are 45 essential psychology statistics, along with information about the field of psychology. As … Continued
How Long Should It Take to Write a Progress Note?
For therapists wondering “how long should it take to write a progress note?” or “how long does it take to … Continued
How to Write a Therapist Bio
You’re a therapist, and you need to write your therapist bio. Your fingers anxiously hover over your keyboard, “My name … Continued
Resistance in Therapy
As therapists, addressing resistance in therapy is part of the job. Even if a client has positively responded to interventions … Continued